Geniuses read God’s thoughts

by Zoltan Marosy

In November 23rd, 1654, the philosopher, mathematician and physicist who invented the first calculating machine had an ecstatic experience. “Righteous Father, the world has not known you at all, but I have known Thee! Joy, joy, joy, tears of joy”, Blaise Pascal wrote in his diary.

Some scholars doubt no more. Science also is the work of God, and the discoveries they make are a kind of first intuition of a miracle.
Know the truth and the truth will set you free. It is an exhortation uttered two millennia ago, but it has a renewed sense nowadays. Many religions consider that a man walks on the path to divinity with what is at hand, the means that are affordable to him.

The surrounding nature is always a subject of meditation. But how we understand and define it largely depends on the collective KARMA, which depends in its turn on YUGA, the spiritual era that our planet goes through. Ancient Indian texts talk about different stages of humanity: the Golden age, SATYA, the Silver age, TRETA, the Bronze Age, DVAPARA, and the Iron Age, KALI. In each of these ages of humanity certain energies prevail – certain frequencies of vibration – which determine the quality of life and consciousness on Earth. Science has evolved and seems ready to open a path to discover the sacred Truth, which until the other day was proclaimed only by mystics. Although these biographical details are not known, famous scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries during states of ecstacy. Even if they wanted or not (the most rebellious ones), they got to admit in those special moments the existence of God.

This is the case with Pascal. For the spiritual seekers, his spectacular conversion has the value of a message. It is as if a higher reality manifested in and through the skeptical scientist in order to make us believe that the true nature of knowledge reveals itself in the state of profound union with the Supreme Consciousness.
In general the biographers of Newton, the father of classical mechanics, neglected the spiritual side of his life. The great physicist unfairly has that fame of being an atheist, as long as in the preface of his work we can read: “With God’s help” and among the manuscripts discovered after his death there are lots of studies on alchemy and the Bible.
Here is, therefore, that for such scientists, the truth is above the vision that stumbles at the border of matter. 

An ethics of knowledge is necessary

Many beings whose knowledge was modest had revelations of the nature of the Divine. Meanwhile, people who are not necessarily trained in a specific area made great scientific discoveries. Einstein, for example, was just a “simple” sub engineer, not infrequently considered stupid or crazy.
Clairvoyants and initiated people have a startling explanation: such people are not burdened with sterile knowledge, so their minds can be penetrated by the divine Consciousness which plants the seed of the spiritual truth. Mystical experiences trigger special states of consciousness and different ways to express them. According to yoga teachings both the state of spiritual awakening and the state of brilliant discovery are attributes of the pure divine Consciousness. It is not the information interpreted by intelligence that brings us joy and ecstatic experiences but the wonder, love and sincere openness towards the unknown and miraculously eternal God.

Once he demonstrated his theory on the nature of light, Einstein was asked by reporters how he managed to overcome the barrier imposed by another famous scientist who, by using the same ideas and the same kind of mathematical support actually demonstrated exactly the opposite of his brilliant discovery. Einstein’s answer is shocking: “I am not familiar with the demonstration. If I had known it, I might have not demonstrated my own idea.” The scientist who produced changes in the scientific thinking of the twentieth century counted on his own intuition, without stepping into the dense forest of formal knowledge. Maybe not accidentally at all Einstein said: “I’m interested in God’s thoughts. The rest is details.”

Is it worth talking in such situations about an atheistic science? It would be at least risky. It is true that science can awaken a sense of security and pride due to the accumulated knowledge. Over time this attitude has, of course, produced many victims. But how many victims did religious divisions produce? Do we have the right to judge science only by its lower tendencies?

Many contemporary scholars, researchers of border and esoteric areas are in consensus today. Science should be used as a path to God, not pursued as an aim in itself. Science without the love of God and respect for the eternal nature of the Universe gives birth to evil and leads to spiritual decay. Identically – the religions that are not supported by knowledge sow ignorance and intolerance. The contemporary civilization has already stepped on the road of a radical spiritual transformation, and scientists are responsible for how they will use knowledge. During the years 1990 – 1995 there was much debate on the ethics of science. Many areas such as genetic engineering, weapons of mass destruction, and devices for inducing psychological states opened issues that had not yet been considered, at least not as seriously as required in the current international context. Significant findings from the first half of the last century led to a turning point: the approach of science as a way of understanding the spiritual truth.

Scientists admit that everything is Consciousness

The gnosis of Princeton is the reply that a team of researchers gives to the old Gnosis of the first century (e.n.), a solution to save humanity through knowledge. The meeting of some influential scientists in 1969 aimed to explore and reach an understanding of what they called the Cosmic Spirit. The basic idea of the debate states that the world is created by Spirit – the Eternal immortal Divine Spirit. In this universal consciousness lies the basic information of the entire intelligent and thoughtful macrocosm. This comprehensive Consciousness creates the array of everything in the Universe. According to the document in Princeton, every atom, molecule or event has its own consciousness and intelligence with which they adapt and “solve their own problems.”

For the first time in the modern history of science the question of spirituality is debated. What was the conclusion of the meeting in Princeton? God’s existence cannot be denied and eventually we have to give consciousness an important place in the study of the universe. In quantum physics, there appeared theories in which consciousness is part of the manifestation of matter and energy. Conscience is no longer considered a result of material development and current experiments show that it exists in and outside matter.

Electrons have free will

The paradox of this thinking is fascinating. Physicist Raymond Ruyer hypothesizes that the researcher is the creation of the atom which wanted to reveal itself its own nature. The statement is both false and true. We can consider it false because the atom knows its structure better than the physicist would. But we can also believe it to be real as the man himself, in order to discover his external shape, needs a mirror in which to see his body. So the atom thinks the physicist is the mirror in which it reflects to know itself fully. The man understands some of his thoughts and perceptions, but he can’t see his body fully. The atom is in the same “situation” – hence the urgent wish to reflect itself through an external consciousness.

What escapes this paradox, but at the same time animates it, is that both what is inside and outside the atom, and inside and outside the man were created by the same Cosmic Consciousness. Thus the Universal Consciousness knows all atom and human features. And a man’s knowledge comes from the Cosmic Consciousness (God the Father).
Among those who faced serious theoretical problems in developing this hypothesis, of the aware electron, was Louis de Broglie, a French physicist who proposed ever since 1923 the wave-corpuscle model. An electron or any other particle in motion can act both as a material body and as energy. Researches confirmed the validity of the idea that science made a big step forward in the attempt to unite the material and the energetic immaterial principles. But what causes an electron to choose to behave as matter or as energy? There are various situations in which the physical phenomena are inexplicable, and De Broglie’s theory only partly discerns these “anomalies”.

Several subsequent experiments have shown that in similar environmental situations particles do not behave the same. Physicists have shown that this phenomenon exists. But what makes the “abnormal” behavior of particles appear? Only in 1969 the Gnosis of Princeton gave an answer, at least in theory: every particle of the Macrocosm has a form of intelligence and this form of intelligence animates matter and shapes it.

Science is ready, the Truth appears

Epochal scientific discoveries have revealed great truths over time. On the other hand in recent decades the ability of the human psyche to assimilate and interpret increasingly more information has grown. Is there a terminus point for the mirage of knowledge? Yoga says that supreme knowledge involves absorption of the mind in the eternal transcendent reality of God. When the disciple is ready the spiritual guide, God the Father, will reveal himself. Will science have the same happy ending?

Over time scientists have received evidence about the existence of the phenomena of synchronicity, resonance, transmutation of energy, but few have accepted the deep correlations arising from these phenomena. Those who have looked ahead and realized the great cosmic dance are those who contemplate the whole with humility and perpetual delight, as a vast mystery of the Creator. By inner solitary worship, knowledge gives fruit that feeds new generations who have the chance to know God also through science.

The Gnosis of Princeton had a wide echo and many of today’s researchers declare their current spiritual orientation openly. It is possible that the science of the future will be the modern alchemy by which man seeks assiduously to access the transcendent Divine void. But the old initiate schools underline that intelligence alone is powerless. Only love and humility allow the human mind full knowledge of the cosmic laws. Only in this way man allows God to sow in his heart the undeniable truth of his eternal existence. Indeed, many scientists talk about the state of deep wonder and the feeling that through all their research they participate in something miraculous. Can we, perhaps, see in this an ecstatic form of worshipping God?

Articol taken from


March 2013

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