Significant issues related to the dirty games played behind the scenes by The International Yoga Federation and not only

… As I have personally witnessed in the past 4 years

by Yoga Teacher Mihai Stoian

This aberration and serious violation of a fully-entitled membership status of the European Federation headed by Suryananda inside the international federation, since then we were able to foresee very strange maneuvers behind the scenes of the so-called democracy promoted by IYF.

Because MISA and its branches continued to be members in both federations, after a short while we were strictly urged to choose which federation to continue with, because the two are no longer compatible and no longer support each other!

At that time I still considered that the conflict did not concern us as a spiritual school and was only a consequence of the behind the scenes games of certain bad-intentioned people who aimed to manipulate the opinion of the Governing Council of IYF for obscure intentions…

So we have chosen to continue our cooperation with IYF even hoping that the conflict will reconcile in time and all will return to the terms of collaboration.

As we will see in the following text there is very clear evidence that both members of International Yoga Federation Council and the people around them are involved in certain activities that discredit the spiritual authentic movements and seriously prejudice The Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute, MISA.

After a series of calumnious emails discrediting Swami Suryananda’s authority and also those who supported the Congress in Bucharest, what followed (as we illustrated before) was the exclusion of The European Yoga Federation from International Yoga Federation, European Yoga Federation being subtly replaced by the European Yoga Alliance, so International Yoga Federation got much closer to the European Yoga Union, a structure which until now remained far from the International Yoga Federation.

It is very interesting that on the Council of the European Yoga Union were Sri Ajita and Mario Sorin Vasilescu from Romania, people that will later play an important role in the situation that we want to clarify here.

After, we were asked to clarify our position regarding the affiliation to International Yoga Federation or European Yoga Federation, we chose to continue to collaborate further with International Yoga Federation as we previously presented, because we have good intentions to promote spirituality and Yoga practice on this planet and also we seriously believe that once we start something which we consider beneficial, it is important to continue with it. We also consider that the abnormal situation which appeared relating to the Congress in Bucharest, 2005, is an error that could be resolved.

Nevertheless, to elucidate more I went to Swami Suryananda in Italy trying to clarify what was behind these events. From the discussions we had (in his home) it was obvious to observe the manipulation and an operational plan of those who wanted to divide the federation. Swami Suryananda even showed me his computer in which he kept all the calumnious correspondences related to the Congress in Bucharest and the consequent responses to it; from this archive it was very clear that people inside International Yoga Federation acted on purpose to create this confusion by slandering Swami Suryananda, the Congress and MISA Yoga School.

Then I had meetings with Swami Maitreyananda who at that time was the President of the International Yoga Federation and indeed he confessed he also presumed that there are people inside International Yoga Federation playing this strange game and thus the unfair exclusion of the European Yoga Federation from the international one is not Swami Suryananda’s fault. Although, Swami Maitreyananda’s behavior was quite undecided regarding reestablishing connections with Swami Suryananda, we offered to mediate things in order to resolve this strange situation, but he said he is waiting for a good moment when they will meet for a congress, probably in Europe.

In the meantime on the occasion of The World Congress December 2006, Delhi, of the International Yoga Federation, we proposed to organize the next European Congress in Copenhagen. They agreed that we should organize the European forum of the international federation, but this time under the patronage of European Yoga Alliance (EYA) and European Yoga Union (EYU). I have to admit that at that time I didn’t pay much attention to the arrangements about whose patronage we were indicated to organize the European congress of the federation, being convinced that we all act for yoga and developing spiritual systems. On the same occasion we announced the way in which we would organize the yoga competitions that usually accompany the congress, and we were approved without opposition. Nobody enforced any rule or restriction regarding the way we choose to keep the next congress in Copenhagen.

Thus, in May 2007 in Copenhagen Euro Yoga 2007 took place. Again, the Congress was a big success, at this Congress Carlos Miguel participated, (President of the EYA), Sri Ajita (who meanwhile became the president of the European Yoga Council) and also honorary guest Swamini Dayananda, (who meanwhile became the president of the International Yoga Federation.)

We have to underline here that Swamini Dayananada is a faithful and devoted disciple of Swami Maitreyananda. I think this detail is important in this presentation. She stated very clearly that, even she is the present president of the IYF, and cannot take any decision without closer consulting her Master, Swami Maitreyananda.

During the Congress in Copenhagen, all the guests were enchanted by the way in which NATHA took care of the good running of the congress, moreover, all the representatives of EYA and IYF had nothing against organizing that yoga contest in a different way from the Yoga Federation of Sports. Here we remember that we organized a contest named “esoteric yoga” trying to show the people from IYF, EYF and also the other guests how we understand the promotion of authentic yoga according to the teachings of our school. In that evening, after the competitions ended, we had fruitful meetings in which we were congratulated for this competition (for the seriousness of the participants – mostly from our school, for their capacity of concentration and execution of Hatha Yoga proceedings for a long duration – such as Shirshasana (standing on the head) for more than one hour continuously! and so on.

None of the participants of the European Yoga Congress from Copenhagen representing EYA and IYF (not even the president Swamini Dayananda) objected about the organized competitions. Moreover, prepossessed by the very serious spiritual activity of NATHA Yoga School in Denmark, Swamini Dayananda awarded us a special diploma, including our recognition in the IYF which we still have – without the necessity of paying annual taxes for 2008!!!

After ending the congress in Copenhagen, IYF and EYA representatives sent us warm thanks and congratulations for the success of the event.

So things developed and in order to contribute to the international spiritual development under the patronage of IYF, knowing how much work and cost such an event implies, having certain experience we proposed to keep a World Congress of IYF in Bucharest. First, they said that all International Yoga Federation congresses were agreed until 2012 or 2013 for certain countries. Then after a while they said that the country who offered to host the 2008 world congress had cancelled it (India) so they proposed to us that this congress to be in Bucharest.

The official confirmation that Romania and MISA will organize the International Congress of IYF in 2008 was given to the International Yoga Congress 2007 in Mexico, in which our colleague Andrei Gamulea participated.

With this confirmation we made plans for the future congress in Romania. With this opportunity, inspired by our Master Grieg, was decided to propose not organizing sports and artistic yoga contest, but to go on a spiritual line much closer to authentic yogic tradition.

To clarify and obtain all approvals from the IYF council, Adina and I decided to go in November 2007 in Uruguay to another International Congress of the IYF, to which Swami Maitreyananda (president of the International Council of the IYF) and Swamini Dayananda (at that moment president of the IYF) participated, especially to discuss the unfolding of the future congress in Romania and to deliver Grieg’s message regarding this event.

Speaking with Swami Maitreyananda and Swamini Dayananda in Montevideo, they publicly both agreed (there are several witnesses to this discussion) that a sports yoga contest is not a spiritual event and that Grieg was right when he stated that a spiritual system has nothing to do with sport.  This is why Swami Maitreyananda himself proposed to organize an International Congress in Bucharest under the patronage of the IYF containing a contest for promoting spiritual values in the traditional way, (the present contest) and also giving the Indian federation the opportunity to organize “the world sports yoga and artistic contest” as they actually wanted.

On this occasion Swami Maitreyananda said that behind the scenes of the International Yoga Federation there are some very powerful events going on, this idea was also presented 3 years ago when I met him in Buenos Aires. He also underlined that the ‘behind the scenes’ events involved very big international forces (that are also causing the problems encountered by our Romanian school). However he said that if we continue in this way he is sure that things will get better. So we agreed to organize an international congress in Bucharest and an esoteric yoga contest, in this way not competing with the yoga sports contests promoted by the International Yoga Federation of Yoga Sports. Until this time the things had somehow proceeded normally.

From this time onwards, there are some totally unnatural aberrant, strange aspects, and together they underline a very precise working of some forces that know exactly what they are doing and who try with diabolic perseverance to destroy the spiritual tendencies or alternatives of some aspects that these forces want to enforce as being authentic. So to continue the succession of events, after we announced the developments of the Congress in Bucharest and the program change that we will not organize any world yoga championship, some very strange attacks suddenly began on the international and European federations forums, which in the beginning were indirectly addressed to the Congress in Bucharest.

In the beginning it was Sri Ajita’s who accused me and our school and, in a very subtle way, Grieg. These accusations were in the form of letters published on the International Yoga Federation forum – the first one requested an urgent answer, the second one followed with extremely severe accusations, insisting and vehemently demanding answers from us regarding the first letter.

It is very interesting that before these waves of accusations that we have published on the International Yoga Federation website a letter appeared in which I stated these calumnies about our school (that were also starting to show up on the International Yoga Federation forum) are ruled by occult forces that are trying to fulfill a very specific plan. In that letter I asked all the members of the International Yoga Federation to intervene for the benefit of our school for ending the situation the Romanian MISA yoga school is in due to the attacks and maneuvers made by some Romanian authorities’ forces.

The effect of this letter and the announcement we made about the changes to the congress program was that we were criticized, personally myself, the school and in a subtle way Grieg by this person called Sri Ajita who after receiving a very clear answer from us – in which it was very clear that all he stated was groundless and it was only a calumny regarding us – he continued these accusations, proposing even to exclude me, Grieg and the school from the International Yoga Federation council and from the federation itself.

What is very interesting is that Sri Ajita was absolutely not in a position to have this pretension. He was exactly like us a member and honorific secretary accepted in the federation in the same year as us, 2004.

But in a strange way these accusations were followed by the accusation that, through this Congress in Bucharest we want to boycott International Yoga Federation of Sports (IYSF) and we want to oppose the federation, etc.

I would like to make a very important explanation. Confusion is deliberately maintained between International Yoga Federation and International Yoga Federation of Sports (inside the members of the federation), because they want yoga to become a sport, in this way eliminating any spiritual pretensions that yoga and yogis could have. For this reason, almost the same people are chosen (as if by democratic vote) to rule International Yoga Federation and International Yoga Federation of Sports. This is not generally stated and this council deliberately mistake International Yoga Federation business with International Yoga Federation of Sports. Being an organization with the pretension of including all world yoga organizations, (no matter what kind of practice); International Yoga Federation shouldn’t have the right to be partial in this direction.

It is normal for the International Yoga Federation of Sports to defend their contest of sports yoga, having their own rules, but we NEVER propose to organize any sports yoga contest! We proposed and approved together with the president of IYF a totally different contest with different rules that was not at all under International Yoga Federation of Sports jurisdiction, but, because of our belonging to IYF and EYA, was under their patronage! If these aspects are clarified they obviously show that the people accusing us of boycotting International Yoga Federation have bad intentions, and actually HAVE NO VALID ARGUMENT regarding this. But, deliberately maintaining this confusion between IYF and IYSF, they can accuse us THAT WE DID NOT WANTED TO ORGANIZE A SPORTS YOGA CONTEST. And here I have to repeat that we never wanted and we never offered to organize such a contest because of the clear reason that WE DO NOT CONSIDER YOGA AS BEING A SPORT! But this confusion regarding the two federations and moreover the fact that the same people rule both of the structures shock the public and other members of the federations!

I have finished with the previous explanations and will continue with the events. After clearly responding many times to the accusations that Sri Ajita had made, he continued calling and personally contacting all the council’s members, proposing our exclusion from the International Yoga Federation. This was apparently accepted by the members of the council, therefore, at a certain moment there was a message published on the federation forum announcing that the federation wanted to stop any contact with MISA and its branches.

Hearing this, I personally contacted all the members of the council (by phone) except Sri Ajita who denied any discussion or meeting with us (which is a very important aspect); they reacted very strangely, all of them saying that they have nothing against MISA yoga school but that they were following Sri Ajita’s personal request.

I asked how it was possible for this man to have the deciding power inside the International Yoga Federation and they replied that he is an important person, (without any extra explanation). In discussions with Swamini Dayananda (president of IYF), Carlos Miguel (president of EYA), and Beatrice Ruyz from Portugal (within European Yoga Council), they all in fact said that they signed the resolution in an inertial manner and would reconsider the decision, taking into consideration that we hadn’t been asked about these decisions and also they hadn’t asked us for any explanations. We haven’t been invited to participate in any meeting to clarify the misunderstandings that appeared.

We agreed to attend a meeting with all the members of the council and we were invited so we could explain our position. It was very strange that this meeting that we were invited to took place 10 days ago and I found out only after the meeting had taken place. We were informed that they had now decided that International Yoga Federation and the European Yoga Alliance would not support the Congress in Bucharest. The explanation offered directly by Swami Maitreyananda was that there are very big pressures both from Romania and other countries on the Federation, and they cannot take such a big responsibility!!

I have to state here a few more profoundly significant elements that well help the understanding of the ‘behind the scenes’ activity.  

As I said, in 2004 when I met Swami Maitreyananda he told me (after he heard about the problems that the Romanian Yoga School is confronted with) that actually these problems are not the only ones in the world and they are generated by an occult force attempting to strictly control any spiritual movement nowadays. That time he gave me examples from other schools and other masters. Meanwhile studying these cases, I recognized striking similarities with the case of Grieg and MISA Yoga School.  In that year we had the discussion and when Swami Maitreyananda told me those things, he said that in his opinion those forces were so to say still quite weak, and they only single out certain organizations.

When these events began, (at the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008), at a certain time Swami Maitreyananda told me (these discussions are recorded and we can offer to those who want to hear them) that he was also being confronted with similar problems to the ones we were confronted with. He confessed that he had been under immense pressure since he declared he would meet Grieg in Sweden. From that moment, he received threats, a whole series of public press accusations (in the Argentinean press this time). At a certain point in a later discussion he told me after we last spoke when I had said that I have information about an international organization which is attempting to completely control spirituality, that an organization called Freemasonry exists (in 2004, 2005) he thought I was exaggerating.

However, now he confessed he is convinced by what I said. All of a sudden in 2008 a file was brought against him in the Appellate Court in Buenos Aires, accusing him of having sex with a minor, this being a standard procedure used in many cases to slander some spiritual masters. But the Argentinean Appellate Court rejected this file, and the prosecutors who fabricated this file told him that this is just the beginning and he will get into trouble as Grieg has. Swami Maitreyananda confessed to me that the majority of the members of International Yoga Federation are masons and he naively thought that they have good intentions and the masons were not the reason for the problems that MISA yoga school encountered, as many other schools in the world also encounter problems.

Now he realizes that this organization is at the root of the problems. Moreover, he underlined that the pressures that the federation face come from the inside, from the people who (he realizes only now) are exactly the ones who are members of the masonry. Among them, Sri Ajita has a very high rank in masonry and this is the reason why everybody listens to him. From a simple member, Sri Ajita mysteriously became overnight the president of the European Yoga Council. Swami Maitreyananda also revealed to me the fact that he was not only attacked in the press and in court, but all his students started to get threatening letters that they would be dragged to court if they continued attending his yoga class. What is extremely serious is his yoga school is in connection with international terrorist organizations having destabilization tendencies etc. Of course they refer to MISA Yoga School that is in this way deliberately presented as an organization with a very bad reputation.

A week ago, when Swami Maitreyananda communicated to me that the meeting (that was supposed to be somewhere in Europe) had taken place (in which we also were supposed to attend to clarify things), he said he was unable to do anything for us in this situation, justifying that the meeting was coordinated by masons and he had absolutely no power, because he is not part of masonry and every move he makes will immediately eliminate him from International Yoga Federation.

Of course we cannot say we agree with his position, which demonstrates cowardice and a spiritual compromise, but Swami Maitreyananda’s statements have a deep significance illustrating how this international organization works, being ruled from the shadows by the freemasonry. In this context we have to stress that the plan he showed me in Montevideo in Uruguay is confirmed. On that occasion he underlined that yoga is desired to be transformed into an Olympic sport and once the immense funds will be allocated by different international organizations for Olympic sports and once the money starts to come in this direction practically some international so called yogic sport standards will be established, suddenly anyone trying to speak about chakras system, about subtle energies, about some spiritual achievements in yoga will be considered to have the tendency to behave as a sect and would be very efficiently fought against, the best argument to convince the public would be that yoga is something different, because it is an already “unanimously” accepted Olympic discipline. In this context, through the previous sequence of events we can see that this plan (guided from the shadows by freemasonry) actually completes step by step all these maneuvers showing nothing but this Masonic plan.

I would like to add here a few clarifying elements to underline the sequence of events regarding this. When we published the website and we put on the website the rules of the esoteric yoga contest – before the federation decided to officially break down the collaboration with us – I personally received a demanding email asking me to immediately remove the chapter about the subtle perceptions contest from the website

It is very strange that the International Yoga Federation reacted in this way – if it would not have this hidden agenda about yoga becoming a sport discipline and that’s all then why were they so disturbed by the esoteric part of this yoga contest? In addition when we said we will keep this congress anyway and that it will be a big success, (according to two previous ones we hosted until now). Then being afraid to loose us from their control the International Yoga Federation came back and proposed two absolutely amazing things: firstly they proposed to keep the congress together, but to take off the esoteric contest from the program. When they realized that we are keeping our previous line and we are not making any compromises, we received a further message even more “hallucinogenic” in which Swamini Dayananda proposed for us to join BACK into the European Yoga Federation, that one ruled by Swami Suryananda – those who were previously excluded from International Yoga Federation as saboteurs and in this direction they (International Yoga Federation) will mediate this transfer, considering that is it the best for everybody that we join the European Yoga Federation and this way we can have, maybe in the future, the mediating role between International Yoga Federation and European Yoga Federation.

Of course this proposal shows the despair of International Yoga Federation, hanging onto an idea of keeping us under a certain control, and in the same time, maintaining the possibility to cancel the esoteric contest. Obviously we couldn’t accept this proposal because once we agreed to continue with International Yoga Federation, we would have been like those politicians without principles and only out for their own interests, migrating from one party to another.

I would also like to say it is not at all by chance that in that period, exactly when these calumnies appeared on the International Yoga Federation website (on its forum, on yahoo group) some messages appeared from some people pretending to be ex students of MISA Yoga school about whom we have proof are paid by the secret services to do a coherent activity of calumny to destroy the image of MISA Yoga School. Messages from this kind of people appeared on the website of the federation but when we replied to those messages to show the truth, those messages were censured and in this direction I have the proof of the messages I received from the administrator of that forum, announcing that our replies were rejected.

The reasons are not said…

However, on the contrary, the open letter of our former yoga teacher Narcis Tarcau was published, who is now entitled Swami Vivekananda, who absolutely insidiously and perversely says he wants to know clearly if IYF and EYA offers the patronage and the support for the Congress in Bucharest, because he together with his students ONLY want to participate if this event is officially recognized by these federations!!! He is imperiously asking clarification regarding the aspects related to IYF and EYA if they are or not together with MISA, because he does not know for sure what to “advice” his students about this. Of course IYF came back with pressures over us to obey the strange imposed conditions…

Coming back to the unfolding of the events, in conclusion we can say that our decision to organize the Congress in Bucharest and the esoteric yoga contest was practically the reason for these calumnies and attacks and if we have a wider view upon this series of events, that started in 2004 (actually in also 2005) we can see the same operating methods, the same people planned everything and fulfilled it.

We will not be discouraged by all this intrigues and we will continue to act developing the Atman International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, a federation with many schools embracing the teaching system offered by Grieg and under the patronage of this International Federation we will continue to organize congresses and spiritual events on the planetary level, promoting authentic yogic spiritual values.

The last idea I want to end this presentation with is the fact that, in the moment that IF of Yoga and Meditation Atman was legally setup, we were straight away called by International Yoga Federation asking us to immediately cancel the name and the website of the federation, having the reason that the name international federation would compete with International Yoga Federation.

In that moment, not knowing the international laws, we accepted this. But after searching the laws more thoroughly we found out that setting up a federation that should have this name of being international or organization should fulfill some criteria, without it being impossible to get this name. We had the surprise that even the International Yoga Federation DOES NOT FULFILL this criteria and this is why they are not legally setup, being in fact a disguise of a national Italian federation under the name of International Yoga Federation.

In other words, International Yoga Federation is not even legally setup as an international organization having this official title as international, compared to Atman International Federation of Yoga and Meditation which is legally setup and legally fulfills all conditions to have this title. We kept all this away from the public because we trusted those who were and are still implicated in International Yoga Federation. But now, when they have shown bad intention and are using our goodwill in a cynical way, we reveal to everybody that in fact International Yoga Federation does not have (at least until Atman International Yoga Federation and Meditation setup) the papers to carry on its activity as an international organization. We have proved goodwill by canceling the website of the federation and even renaming our federation from the Atman International Federation of Yoga and Meditation becoming World Federation for Yoga and Meditation Atman in order not to make this competition. If honestly from the beginning they would have said what the situation was then the gentlemen from International Yoga Federation would at least have shown goodwill; we also had it when we modified the name of Atman Federation. Nevertheless, they tricked us hiding the real reason why they did not want this name to appear. I consider this emphasis as being significant for those who want to make intelligent correlations.

June 12, 2008

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