The mysterious, unsuspected reasons that make possible the imminent defeat of the satanic elite of the so-called ILLUMINATI…

…are being explained now with a penetrating intelligence and psychological finesse by David Nova, a sagacious and inspired American author

This article was published by David Nova on January 7, 2018.

Hubris, imbecile overconfidence in their own force, recklessness and unrestrained corruption have disrupted the delicate duality balancing act of the Illuminati. Shattering chaos exposed spells definite doom for the New World Order.

There are probably a myriad of inter-connected reasons why the Occult Elite/the so-called Illuminati/the Powers That Be are quickly becoming the Powers That Were. I am going to write about just one of these reasons. This reason is their own sloppiness that overcame them.

In the past, I have written quite extensively about the subjects of duality, balance, order vs chaos. These are the prominent themes in my metaphysical novels and in many of my articles.

Many human beings likely believe that members of the satanic occult elite subscribe to a philosophy/religion that values darkness over light, evil over goodness, crime over law and order and so forth. However, it’s not quite that simplistic. There are probably local level satanic sects that prioritize the dark side over the light, but if we study the satanic cabal and their symbols, we see that duality is very important to its members. This can be observed in the symbolism of Freemasonry, the two columns of Boaz and Jachin, which represent the left and right-hand paths, also the black and white checkered floor pattern which represents duality. This symbolism has become ubiquitous in Hollywood films and music videos. It is heavily used in MK Ultra or Monarch mind control programming.

Why is Duality So Important to the Occult Elite?

Because they understand and utilize a form of sacred science that stems from either the Kabbala or other ancient mystery schools. They understand the union of opposites and that by creating false dualities they can divide, conquer, and control the masses. They also understand the power of duality to trigger human beings’ emotional states and slyly manipulate their minds. They make use of duality and the union of opposites as a means to accomplish a diabolical end. This has been their time-honored formula:

Problem + Reaction = Solution

Chaos + Seemingly Insufficient Old Order = New Order

Terrorism + Institutions Caught Off Guard and Facing Bizarre Situations = Global Surveillance and Police State

Excerpt from: Transcending The Duality Paradigm:


“The triangle represents simultaneously a sacred form, because it illustrates the principle of integration – the integration of dualities, rising to a new higher vibration of consciousness, which is superior by far. The ascension process requires the harmonious integration of our various internal dualities.”

Positive + Negative = Balanced State
Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine = Godly Union which Characterizes the GLORIOUS ANDROGINOUS STATE
Order + Chaos = Amazing Godly Synchronicity

“The satanic darkness uses an inversion, or in other words a perversion of this process, a synthesis to create a much lower vibration which characterizes fear.”

Problem + Reaction = Solution = A Bizarre, Satanic New Order Coming Out of Chaos and in Touch with the Infernal

Representation of significant image from the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Insidiously Maneuvering Duality Requires Great Discipline

This formula has been working for the occult satanic elite quite successfully for hundreds, if not thousands of years. However, it was a very slow process, a multi-generational one. It required extreme discipline and personal sacrifice. It required entire generations to work toward a distant future goal they would never see realized in their own lifetime. It required couples to marry by arrangement done by their families, and families to sacrifice their own children. It required the utmost secrecy, oaths of absolute loyalty upon pain of torture and death. It also required a careful facade, a foolproof masquerade – where the same human beings seemed to be upstanding and devout citizens by day, but in reality proved to be cruel and degenerate monsters acting in criminal ways in the silence of the night. In short, it required a very delicate duality balancing act.

Their immoral conduct taken to the extreme (rape, pedophilia, torture, murder, cannibalism) unleashes great personal and social chaos. On the other hand, this bizarre discipline which is taken to the extreme requires a full, constant and fervent order. It is this bizarre extreme discipline of order, harsh rules and penalties of the occult satanic elite conduct that prevents the chaos of their destructive criminality from being immediately discovered and exposed. This is why the killers hidden within the satanic cabal must control both the police and the courts to protect their criminal syndicates. The satanic occult elite represent both sides of this duality of the extremes. Thus it is necessary that one side balances the other, or else their entire house of cards crumbles to the ground. Why do you think it’s called the New World Order?

For every national or international goal, they’ve had to carefully balance these delicate forces of order and chaos. These were not impulsive, reckless individuals. They were highly intelligent slaves to a multi-generational agenda that required insidious cunning, absolute secrecy, lifetime loyalty, extreme – we could say ADAMANT – discipline, and a perfect balancing act. This is perhaps the secret of their longtime success.

Excerpt from Chaos, Order, and the Transformation of Humanity:

“While the current world stage is largely an obvious drama carefully scripted by the satanic occult elite to achieve their agenda of a New World Order, and thus to bring about the Change into evil or the twist of everything that is beneficial, this astute pack of werewolves were always putting in action certain hidden cosmic forces that are beyond their control. And these cosmic forces have their own agenda when higher consciousness intervenes in the equation.

Fundamental cosmic forces, such as Chaos and Order, are neither solely good nor solely evil. However, they can be skillfully modulated through fear into a duality where good opposes evil. The energy of Chaos can be destructive or creative, resulting in terrorism, or even liberation. In the same way, the energy of Order can be used either beneficially to harmoniously structure society, or in a malefic way to slyly imprison individuality.”

What Happened? Perhaps Many of Them Lost Their Discipline

So what happened to the satanic occult elite? How did they come to suddenly losing everything? Hillary Clinton is an answer to this question.

Perhaps an ironic twist of fate occurred while the satanic occult elite of the world were deviously scheming to destroy western civilization and the middle class. While they were very busy destroying all of our values, weakening our families, shortening our beneficial focus of attention spans, dulling our intelligence (especially through the INTERNET and television), poisoning the food they sell us, making our water toxic and also the air that we breath, turning us into television and mobile phones zombies, into selfish and ignorant narcissists hyper-addicted to social media – they themselves became weak, dazed and foolish as well. They swallowed, without intending to, some of their own poison which they gave us. Thus they lost sight of their principles of extreme discipline. Giving in more and more to the temptation of extreme personal corruption they became more and more careless.

Hillary Clinton could probably be the poster image for careless satanic occult elite corruption, or as the FBI discovered, “gross negligence” – from personal email servers, to Benghazi, to the Uranium One deal, to the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play dirty schemes, to a obviously rigged Democratic primary, to a trail of mysterious murders, to pedophile John Podesta’s emails, to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s laptops. And the list goes on and on.

The lengths to which the deep state and the controlled mainstream media have gone to protect and defend Hillary Clinton is a testament to how careless she has been, and how desperate the situation has become for them. She has opened wide Pandora’s box, and all of them can no longer shut it, hide it, or pretend once again that it doesn’t exist. Pandora’s box is now wide open, so that in this way everyone could see the horridness inside.

Hubris, insane overconfidence in their own force, recklessness and unrestrained corruption have disrupted the delicate duality balancing act so much so that this carelessness may provide the certain premises for their downfall, arrest, detention, prosecution, exposure, and in some cases perhaps even execution, a great and unique opportunity that wasn’t possible until now.

In common circumstances, the current generation of satanic occult elite believed that they would finally see their long-awaited criminal end game achieved – a New World Order. Certainly, Hillary Clinton was among the members of this satanic cabal. The overconfidence is abundantly apparent – the occult onslaught of Hollywood movies, mind control, and pedophile shocking plague that has infested every aspect of mass-media. The hubris of a public almost obsessive display of Hollywood black magic practices. The recklessness of emailing known pedophile code words and symbols. The egregious unrestrained corruption of human and especially child trafficking. The horrific tragedy of our times is that it has taken an unimaginable genocide of children for these monsters to expose themselves. But with rightful hope, determination, firmness and diligence, they will be now brought down.

Has The Other Side Gained Extreme Discipline?

This was not meant to be a political post, rather an analysis of the psychological forces at work beneath the headlines. However, the reality is that everything has become political these days. Yet, as it has been said before, and it is worth repeating until every reader understands, when the truth finally comes out, there will no longer be any Republicans or Democrats, Conservatives or Liberals. There will be serious crimes revealed on both sides of the political aisle. This false duality that divides us will eventually crumble. There will simply be a shocked and awakened public, some who are more prepared for these disclosures, yet so many more who are not.

Whether you love him or hate him, and there are plenty of reasons to dislike him, if President Donald Trump miraculously manages – but also with the help of God – to expose and defeat the satanic occult elite networks in America, eventually leading to their exposure and defeat abroad, he will remain in history as the greatest president who ever lived. Make no mistake about that. Is there any other presidential legacy worthy of the history books right now? It is worth to ask ourselves whether Trump already knows this. Is that why he is unconcerned how he appears in our hive mind, slyly distorted by multimedia in various ways? Does he in fact court the disdain of those in this satanic and criminal cabal? Does he use this disdain as a weapon to further unbalance them? To make them completely careless. To totally let down their guard and make bigger and bigger mistakes? Have we not already seen the obvious evidence of this intelligent strategy?

With the dramatic unbalancing of the satanic occult elites, I have to wonder if there has been a greater internal balancing act on the other side, on what has been termed the White Hats, the Alliance, or simply patriots.

Have the White Hats learned to internalize the balance between order and chaos? Do they purposely seed confusion and disinformation toward an end goal of entrapping the criminal satanic global occult elite? This requires a great deal of personal discipline, extreme patience, high integrity, clear determination, deep commitment, as well as immense trust in the help which comes from God.

What separates the false, controlled duality of White Hats and Black Hats in the film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, who are manipulated by the schemes of the satanic occult elite toward the malefic long-desired goal of NWO? An internal awakening does. If the White Hats have woken up and realized how they have been manipulated in the past, perhaps they now realize the urgent need to create their own internal balancing act, reversing the process, thus applying the discipline of order and the necessity of distraction of chaos to dismantle as soon as possible this corrupt infernal duality game.

Has this really occurred? I believe that it has. I believe we are seeing the evidence of this internal global awakening. Yet the game plays on. In the end, we are divine beings, taking on this human form upon this mortal stage, to play out this temporal game, to rediscover as soon as possible who we truly are, to immediately take back the sovereignty that was always ours to begin with. To rise up to the next level of our spiritual evolution in a state of Godly unity, beyond duality. In this quest, the infernal existing darkness has served us loyally.

About the Author

David Nova is the author of the metaphysical fiction series Season of the Serpent. He is an enthusiastic truth-seeker, a Pilgrim, a blogger, and the moderator of Deus Nexus: Messages for an Entangled Universe website. For additional information about the author or his novels, you can visit his website (DEUS NEXUS), or his Facebook page.


February 7, 2018

Also available in: Română

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